


Integration with hip and organ by Shinobu

Hi,I'm hunter of hip, Shinobu here!

I just finally get it "Giant-Man-War".

Guess,this dildo is the biggest one in domestic dildo which is usefulness.
Because,thick than my arms.

It will be come out organs from your bottom when I pull it.hahaha

But fortunately,the material made by really soft rather than crazy size.
I can't stand anymore!want to take a picture with it,of course for you slaves!


This can be helpful to compare with bottle of water than cigarette.
It looks totally awesome,isn't it!?

Hope to insert you soon☆

Translated by Hiromi

The Bandage of Anal By Akiho


Follow my move,if not it's gonna destroy your sily hole.

Do you think you can runaway from me? hell no.

I add an anal hook for my play tools.
you want?

Hey,come on this way.


After that I gave him to my loving whips.

Electoric Penis RIng! by Ayatsuki

I got a new tool in my toy box.

When I told one of the my slaves that I couldn't get what I want with regular electronic massagers, he recommended me to buy it.

this is called...
"Electronic ring"!

Step 1
Tie up a penis with strings.

Step 2
Aattach it to a penis with four rings like this.


Step 3
I use those tools too!
I love tools with suckers. The left one can vibrate.
Thinking to buy electric ones

See you soon :)
(Translated by Lily)

costume by Mitsouko


finally, I got my knee high boots!

to be honest,I want to get more,,,cat suits and mask, leather skirt whip,bra bra bra,,,

but , its difficult to find favorite one because of my tendency.

I'm looking forward to tramp your balls down by this heel...........huhuhu.

Quoted from 【LADY MITSOUKO】

Enthusiasm for new toys by Akiha

Hey babies
It's spring!yeah☆☆☆
Let's enjoy the session,hah!?

Abnormality is on my mind always,so I'm stuck in getting new toys by enthusiasm.
First one is,I love it ,here is chastity belt.that useful "come saving".
Off course I tried!

It is not enough to save coming.I did many things to challenged on your body.

Welcome to try my session☆

Secound one is,Picks.

I used to take it in private.
Grope torture by one piece or slip on your back by picks gathered.

Same as daily tool which is rubber gum.
I tie you up and shoot you,especially your "P"!!
That'll be fun due to face-to-face daily and BDSM world.

And one more thing,cute panty!

Everyone can see your center point because of bore design,yeah~~☆

Sound good?

Transrated by Hiromi

lasiora tokyo

Author:lasiora tokyo
Call : 03-6380-6568
(From overseas : +81 3 6380 6568)

Business hours : 7days a week

Reception : 12:45 - 22:30
Session : 13:00 - Last session starts around 22:00 or later

Location : Shinjuku / TOKYO

Website : lasiora.com


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