


New boots by Nana

This is "COMEX" leather boots many of LaSiora domina who bought it you already know?
Soft and material is a sleek,just size for me with amazing outline and thin and high pin-heels,,,,
It looks like completely include preferences and favorite for submissive men.


I think it is rare boots that suitable calf-size and small shoe size like me.
You could smell it with particular flavor just now good timing!
It will be fun you addict by the boots or to torture harder,,,,

Translated by Hiromi

Can't stop to get new tools by Nana

My bag has already full!Tools boxies,too!

It is full my own locker by so many tools such as Bangladesh density of population (now is not top-ranking),,,but I wanted to buy them!

I got many things e.g. ring for P,restraints tools it not makes leave mark on body something like that.
This ring is similar dog-collor which is material a bit soft,so just fit if your P is delicate,but,,,I will be remake more hard one


And this one.
This is most interesting now "medical goods" which called perception searcher.
I've tried on my own arm at really soft skin,now it is quite stimulation.That wouls be fun if I tie your P up tightly then put it on!

I'm going to enjoy with it in my session!

Translated by Hiromi

Updated for photo album by Bigyoku


It's updated of my pictures on domina-albums.
Ms.Asagiri photographer has shooting me and baby domina Kai.

It is additional pictures are updating still now and all of dominas surely bring it in their session-bag each sessions.
You sould check them out by the album!

Translated by Hiromi

Can not be wasted in my shelf by Akiha.T

Hey What`s up guys?
Before taking about something, I should announce my schedule, shouldn`t I ?
After next week, I will be able to have a time for session with you guys finally!

I just can not wait to play , really hard SM play!
Here is a surprise!

I will be there on 24 Nov (Tue) as my additional attendance day!`

Lately, I am able to have a sessin on Tuesday.
Do not forget to book me on every Tuesday!

Anyway,,, when I was cleaning my room the other day,
I found so many fun things I want to show you guys!
Here is↓
111009 Akihoblog1

Electoric massager attachment and enemasyringe and vaginal speculum!
Someone who proud yourself your hole, you should try this.

Old one I had before was broken, so here is a new one

It is kind of old stuff but,, do not worry, are well cleaned up.
Glasses are so fragile, have to be careful to handle it.
Do you think I am going to throw hot water or gliceline into it??
I do not think so.

And here is more stuff,,

111009 akihoblog3

Yes,those are dildo~.
I have more actually but those in this photo is just i'm useing now.
111009 akihoblog3

About a tools,I'm not sure to bring them everytime so please ask a front each time please.

I'm be hungly to use a new tools each time I got it.
It sounds like a kids when they get a new toy!lol

Penis Pump by Claire

I got penis pump recently.


It has vibrator inside pump.
I've never used it before.
Does it feel good or pain ?
How many times can I pump it out ?

Shall I make you use as a guinea pig ? ;-)

quoted from claire`s blog

lasiora tokyo

Author:lasiora tokyo
Call : 03-6380-6568
(From overseas : +81 3 6380 6568)

Business hours : 7days a week

Reception : 12:45 - 22:30
Session : 13:00 - Last session starts around 22:00 or later

Location : Shinjuku / TOKYO

Website : lasiora.com


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