New Bondage By Ruiko
I bought two bondages.
Let me introduce one of them.

This bondage is dress type,red color.
Can you see my lace-up back style?
Do you like the lenth like this mini?
I'm so into this red color.
And I love this costume where can be fit on my body.
I didn't have a skirt type bondage before.
I who wear this wanna step over then ride on you.
I make you go crazy.
Let me introduce one of them.

This bondage is dress type,red color.
Can you see my lace-up back style?
Do you like the lenth like this mini?
I'm so into this red color.
And I love this costume where can be fit on my body.
I didn't have a skirt type bondage before.
I who wear this wanna step over then ride on you.
I make you go crazy.

Hi there,it's me,Mai,how's it going?
This is a souvenir by Rie she's bought it in Paris.
It looks,,,not light than it looks.
This ring could be separate half nad half.Your balls set in there, addition fixed by some screws on your balls-crotch.
I suppose it's hurt like hell cause of heavy and not so easily to take off.
You are sure to feel wearing a zoned!
New tool by Akiho

I will show you the new one Ball torture toy.
【Humbler】 which is possible to give you a pressure surround your balls but this is generally press,hold and crash.
Bottom of your "P" might feeling of oppression.(depending thick or not).
I have another one that C&B both are pressed instead of not put hole on your "P".
Never tried yet so welcome for testing human,by Akiho.

It is not limited to just looks really strong impact that screw could make a different angle,it makes me pleasure exactly.
Btw,I'll have given your "P" free rein because of I could do anything that I wanted to ...
It's a cruel but it make you can't wait by my torture,fondle with technique.
I can't show you but it was flat-balls of my slave.

The "P" was like a glued on clarity-plate that it makes me more exciting.
On the same day,I 've gave an urithral torture and toys for "P",was sounds Kinky night!!
You out with it!

Do you know the area "Human animal roll play"?
It seems that meaning of a person who handle a human such as an animals and then to feel horny for sexual taste.
Is it easy to imagine that like a dog-training,horse and pig-play?
In Western culture,it's usual that pull ahead while standing than riding on slave back by on all fours.
I and domina Nana have talked pony-session that sooo nice and pleasure!
Nana also has experence horse riding,I hold admiration for her.
She is looking for an anal plug with horse and pig tails.
I think it must be cute hip!
Meanwhile,I am looking for head harness for pony.
I've serched from Nana told me that thare are some small one for especially for ladies.
Let's see,,,should I buy it or...??
Btw,here it is!
Cute one,isn't it?
We LaSiora has prepared head harness for horse.
Pink bar on my chin that called in Japanese "Hami"
You chew it!
So pretty both sides blindfold.
You want to try it?
You could be attractive pony.
You should order for head harness to our reception staff.
By Claire