Training at Osaka of Tamaki

She's having enthusiasm LaSiora also performance at a show with spirit.
At【Pink★Crystal】,she got initiation of show by Ms.Hibiki.
It has decided to go to Osaka (west side of Japan) by learing more and more!
In Osaka,there are many events and interesting city,it seems many opportunity to perform there.
I just visited to Osaka in this summer so I absolutely understanding it must be warm up town!
She just into 21years,it is important to watch and learn about many things.
During traing in Osaka,it might be less than Tokyo-performance but she is continuity that going to belongs to LaSiora and Pink★Crystal.
Don't be cry because there is a chance to meet her in the future again.
I am planing to visit for meeting with Tamaki.
Until then,please get more information about famous in Osaka "Okonomiyaki" & "Takoyaki" please!!!
Wait for a while about further info in future.
In October,she worls in Pink★Crystal & LaSiora that schedules which is a bit irregular.
You should go there ASAP if you have a hard time to go Osaka!
Translated by Hiromi