


Mistress Shinju's additional schedule in January


"Fabulous&marvelous goddess" mistress Shinju will be available at 3:00pm until last on Thursday 17th January besides her regular schedule.
Instead of 17th, she takes a holiday on Saturday 19th January.

If you'd love to have a session with Shinju, please ask us via e-mail or on the phone.
We would accept the booking request from Saturday 5th January after our new year holiday.

La Siora

Renewal ! By Shinobu

We renewed domina profile pages.

We apologize that there are some contents under the construction yet.
Some of them are written in Japanese,
but you can go look new pictures of all the La Siora Mistresses.


Check it out my Profile page !

Shinobu's Profile Page

Quoted from Far east XANADU

happy holiday By Murasaki


Hope you have wonderful holidays and a Happy New Year.

Quoted from MURASAKI's Views

Hikaru's English Blog/New Domina Photos

Mistress Hikaru opened her own English blog!


Hikaru's English Blog

Please go check that out, and see how she is feeling about her BDSM life and sessions.

Please go see her new profile photos here, too.
Hikaru Portraits

We renewed domina profile pages. We apologize that there are some contents under the construction yet.
Some of them are written in Japanese, but you can go look new pictures of all the La Siora Mistresses.

Click the mistress's names below, then go to "portraits" page.
Domina Profile Page

Old versions of pictures are also available on La Siora English Pages as before.
We are planning to renew those pages in the near future as well.

La Siora

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Dear La Siora members

How are you spending today?
We wish you Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Enjoy your holiday and take care of yourself!

La Siora will be closed during new year holidays from Dec 31 (Sun) 2012 to Jan 4 (fri) 2013.
Thank you very much for your understanding and we all are looking forward to seeing you after the holiday!

lasiora tokyo

Author:lasiora tokyo
Call : 03-6380-6568
(From overseas : +81 3 6380 6568)

Business hours : 7days a week

Reception : 12:45 - 22:30
Session : 13:00 - Last session starts around 22:00 or later

Location : Shinjuku / TOKYO

Website : lasiora.com


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Domina Schedule in 3 days
Meeeting Point/Hot Spot Map
Listed how to get to the meeting spot and hotel area by Shinjuku Sanchome Station. If you are lost, please use the information below.
Sta.search 1 http://www.jorudan.co.jp/english/ input/arrives(To) : shinjukusanchome
Sta.search 2 http://www.hyperdia.com/en/ input/arrives(To) : shinjuku-sanchome
Meeting Spot http://goo.gl/maps/ip4SF
Kabuki-cho (Motel)Map http://goo.gl/maps/w7CQe
Tokyo Hotel Map http://goo.gl/maps/uLnYK
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