S3 studio -Medical Room- By Akiho
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When I was a little I really wanted to be a doctor...
But,I noticed that proposed it out of impure motives though I was only a child.
Now.It's time about "medical room from delusions (Part 1)".
If you have not check this yet,please check this out.
Buhhh,after you check this.... Your condition may turned for the worse.hehe

This studio is medical D room at S3studio which we high frequency of use for photo shooting.
This studio has 4 types of room so, If you haven't been here yet,you should have a session in here.
Patient model Mr.Y who shooted with me,
He is getting along well with me since I started domina.
(Thank you verymuch Mr,Y. You're disease is worse kinky sick.)

Medical Play is tickled my feel even just goods.
I love a that cold feel of material about medical stainless steal.
When I just taking that in my hand,my feel is so excite.

And patient can't move in my check up..
I check my patient's body from top to bottom because I need to grasp a all about patieant.
And Palpate.
Make sure a emperature,shape and feel of body.
sometimes I insert my fingers to inside of patient's body and test reaction

Can you stand this strong stimulation for this part or not?
You seem your feel comftable by alian substance.
How does it?
Say louder again.I can't hear you like that small birds voice.
You have to tell me about reaction that what's happend on your body .
Patient who can't resist was watching and measurement by me and i play with it.
You can't not say anything and must to obey what's your docter saying.
This is just a medical examination so..
Im so lived it up this situation of medical play.
Because I was in those picture with mean smile.But I like that.
Am I smiling always like that when i in session with you?

Did you already check my new session galarey??
When I was a little I really wanted to be a doctor...
But,I noticed that proposed it out of impure motives though I was only a child.
Now.It's time about "medical room from delusions (Part 1)".
If you have not check this yet,please check this out.
Buhhh,after you check this.... Your condition may turned for the worse.hehe

This studio is medical D room at S3studio which we high frequency of use for photo shooting.
This studio has 4 types of room so, If you haven't been here yet,you should have a session in here.
Patient model Mr.Y who shooted with me,
He is getting along well with me since I started domina.
(Thank you verymuch Mr,Y. You're disease is worse kinky sick.)

Medical Play is tickled my feel even just goods.
I love a that cold feel of material about medical stainless steal.
When I just taking that in my hand,my feel is so excite.

And patient can't move in my check up..
I check my patient's body from top to bottom because I need to grasp a all about patieant.
And Palpate.
Make sure a emperature,shape and feel of body.
sometimes I insert my fingers to inside of patient's body and test reaction

Can you stand this strong stimulation for this part or not?
You seem your feel comftable by alian substance.
How does it?
Say louder again.I can't hear you like that small birds voice.
You have to tell me about reaction that what's happend on your body .
Patient who can't resist was watching and measurement by me and i play with it.
You can't not say anything and must to obey what's your docter saying.
This is just a medical examination so..
Im so lived it up this situation of medical play.
Because I was in those picture with mean smile.But I like that.
Am I smiling always like that when i in session with you?
