Hide & Sex By Claire

Hide & Sex
【Nathalie Daoust photo exhibition"Hide& Sex"】
I went out a photo exhibition held by canadian photographer.
The story is set by hotel alphain which in beloved by BDSM lovers.
Me and domina akiho and counselor Mai also ex la siora domina effort as a model.
I have been thought BDSM is dirty but I remind again that BDSM is hidden beauty
For me, dirty means Nasty and Naughty.
I take this mean granted.don't you?
If that nasty more of it,it makes me exite.I know you exite it too.right?

I was the Opening Reception Party.
There were so many of beautiful ladys so there was pomp-filled atmosphere.
Me and domina Akiho went to there with a flower bouque.
Miss Rie was there also.
Nathaliey really wonderling to see Rie actually
ecause she couldn't have a chance to see her in last June.
When she met Rie finally, She said"How cute are she!!"
She seems happy.
I guess Nathalie is cute also.
Be modest and diverting but she hidden her unshakable confidence.
I have so much learnd by her who inspired me.
This photo exhibition is opend by 12th September (Sat).
You would love this special atmosphere that frail on the surface,passionate and sexy and fantasy her whole new way of world view colaborat with Hotel Alphain and Mistress who always offers a fetish of Tokyo.
Now,why don't you get it?
I'm planning to get there one more time.
『Hide & Sex Tokyo』
(Portraits in the S&M Alpha-in hotel in Japan)
■ 24th Aug (Mon)-12th Sep(Sat)
■ Vanilla Gallery in Ginza
■ 4F Kamata 2nd Bld, 6-10-10 Ginza,Chu-ou,Tokyo
TEL&FAX 03-5568-1233
■Bussiness hours
weekday PM12-PM7 week end & holiday PM12~17
close every sunday.
In addition those photos filed be album.
We will update more information about this★
Translated by Angelica