Dominas training Part 1 in Sep:Kinbaku by Rie

We've took day off on last Friday for dominas training.
Thank you very much for kind cooperation and appreciate it give us the time for this time.
Fortunately it was greatly spending worthwhile time each other since July training.
Many of my frieds who tortured (just kidding) me that few times to update blog recently.
I am not lazy,,,I work harder undersurface you just cannot see my energy!!
Dominas has got more powerful than before?Because it was a scalding opinions for all of dominas in July's training.Also they're gave a theme then.
This time,it's checked of last training from 10am.Trainers who has high skills for Kinbaku,Domina Shinju,Murasaki and T.Akiha but unfortunately,Shinju got fever.
Everydominas have became a level up than before by comparing.
All of our dominas ( except two of dominas Bigyoku has just become a regular domina and Ruiko hasn't join there ) could give you a hanging sesison from this time.
But we LaSiora is as greedy as a wolf,I have already made a new theme.
You can see many time "Kinbaku",it is basic style cross your arms on your back that it seems begining of Kinbaku.
An autism kid who cannot do "bye-bye" showing hollow of the hand.
It maybe same meaning hollow of the hand that in Europe BDSM person who cross arm on your head to show you the body,in Japanese BDSM person who cross arms onyour back to show up your body.
The style as same as dog that dog won't do that in front of have no faith in men.
But I have a questions that to tie up during keeping cross arms on back and going on a session still keep the same situation.
This is not negative thought,this is not suitable for modern people will it give some damages?
For Kinbaku,it was born by criminal punishment.Does it not pay attention after that?
But members including you need to get back home each place after session thefore we cannot do make it without nothing thought.Surely,we need to keep safety first.
(Who's say what a get relief?Show me your face!)
We show typical examples of an accident by shibari (tie up) is musculospiral paralysis.
It is easily to get paralysis that to put your head on arm especially sleeping.I've given 2 times was big damages in the past to my slaves.
It has been taking long time to make my questions clear that the accident will has came up circumstance if I tie up by basic and safety style.
Almost trainers of Kinbaku could understand how to move fingers or grab it,I as well.
But I have met some situations that he has paralysis however could moving fingers and after take off the ropes.
Then I tried to serch more details,I found it that it is impossible to understand for only comfirm moving fingers or not.
"Musculospiral paralysis",arms could do reach and wrists are able to down but impossible to up.
I tried pay attention by this hint because of not useful even though Kinbaku trainers said move or grab by fingers.
It has never been get an accident since then.
I think that more helpful there is a potential musculospiral paralysis or non beforetie up but I cannot serch yet.
I had conference acupuncture-teacher who said person is easily to get paralysis muscle comes up around back of neck,maybe.This is also not absolutely.
I've left real player for 8 years addition I don't like and skillful basically for Kinbaku so I don't have any opportunity now.
I think there is high risk that arms cross on back under the overload if you work for PC typing,it is image stiff shoulders akways,not routine for exercise it seems low metabolism must be cold terminal nerve.
So The theme of dominas is cutting down stress of nerve,no cross armes on the back and depending situations within enjoyable time + alpha.
It will be end of Kinbaku training this time.
That was take place from 10am to 1pm,we had an electrical lesson by electric-torture-mania teature after luch break.
We will updated ASAP!