Ruiko started Hanging Play!

All our dominas except baby dominas has been practicing of basic hanging.
Only Ruiko was not be able to paticipate to practice of hanging due to her school schedule before, however now she can accepet a request of hanging play!
Great Domina = Can Hanging Play That was Ruiko`s philosophy as mistress.
She says ` Now I feel like I have just started my career`
` I have so much things to learn` Ohh How hard worker she is!
She is born to be a mistress and she is just 20 years old with full of talents!
I wonder how great Mistress she is going to be.

This is a pic of training of upside downwards hanging.
Now she can Upside downwards, Face down, and open legs !!
Her next step is learning of these hanging arrangements, and some other hanging that not tied up arms in backwards. Keep your eye on her!!!
Translated by K