Fixed schedule will be changed.

Domina Shinju
Tue/Wed/Sat 15:00-Last
She has day off every Sunday for a while in new schedule.
She is a bottom-line kind of domina but she strives to better herself always.
She takes a little rest in this month.
Domina Murasaki
Tue/Wed/Sat 17:00-Last
She is a popular domina so we had received a lot of request more working date from slave.
Her business is off season now so she is able to accept this request for a while.
Domina Akiha.T
Tue/Sat 15:00-Last
Fri 17:00-Last
Sun 15:00-22:00
She is an increasingly popular domina and it will remain in fashion in the future.
She made the excellent rope art show in Europe.
Domina Emi
Sat/Sun 14:00-Last
weekday From 23:00
Advance reservations are required.
She has no other choice for her another work.
We ask for your kind understanding.
In Febraury,some dominas will visit Europe again and they will take holiday.
We will tell this schedule tomorrow.