Domina Iregular Schedule

Summer is around a corner!!
Have you decide your summer plan?
So does domina,Some domina has irregular shifts on June.
We'd like to notice you and make sure their schedule.
We always appriciate your understanding.
・6/26 (Sat)16:00-Last
・7/6(Tue)&20(Tue)16:30-21:00for Last Session
*reguler shift other than those above
・She's going to take a off on 7/16(Fri),17(Sat).31(Sat)
・Available as temporally on every Thursday(exept 1th.8th)
13:00-18:30 for Last session.
*reguler shift other than those above
・She's going to take a off on 7/21(Wed)-24(Sat).
・Available as temporally on Every Tueseday(expect 20th)
13:00-19:00for last session
*reguler shift other than those above
・She's going to take a off on 7/2th(Fri),5th(Mon),6th(Tue).
・ 7/1(Thu)13:00-17:30 for last session
・7/10(Sat)16:00-Last(temporarry shift)
・7/31(Sat)17:00-Last(temporarry shift)
*reguler shift other than those above
・Available as temporally on every saturday(expect 3th)
13:00-16:30 for last session.
*regular shift other than those above
・7/31(Sat)17:00-Last(Temporally shift)
*regular shift other than those above
She could see you earlier than her reguler shift.
*regular shift other than those above
7/17(Sat)16:00-Last(Temporally shift)
7/18(Sun)13:00- until 17:00 limited reservation
7/19(Mon)15:00-Last(earlier schedule than regular)
*regular shift other than those above
7/17(Sat)13:00-Last(Temporally shift)