Mistress Emi has resigned...

Unfortunately Mistress Emi has resigned from La Siora...
She has been focused on her recovery since an accident and it looked hopeful that she could be back in early June.
However, it looks like more time is neccesary for her full recovery.
We would be gratefully wait for her but Mistress Emil, who has a great sense of responsibility, decided to resign because she does not want to trouble La Siora.
We would love for her to return to La Siora any time whenever she can.
Many members often contact us about Mistress Emi's return.
We are sincerely sorry for members who were looking forward to have a session with her again.
Despite Mistress Emi seems like a dominant-domina, her personality is calm and she cares about others from the bottom of her heart.
She was loved by our staff, as well as a lot of members.
Not only many members are sad to hear her resignment, but also our dominas are sad to hear her resignment.
We grately appreciate those who has been supporting for Mistress Emi for four years.
Thank you for everything, Mistress Emi.
We are looking forward to your return, at any time.