Chastity FAIL

Hi everyone.
It has been nice and warm in Tokyo. We hope you have been enjoying this great weather.
I found a funny news article online, which I am sure you will enjoy.
A man in the U.K. cut free from a chastity belt by firemen.
Firefighters had to cut a man out of a titanium(!) chastity belt. According to the article, it took about 45 minutes for firefighters to release the poor man. By the time they released him, he has slipped in and out of consciousness due to the heavy pressure of the chastity belt on his genitals.
The man put the device on in the morning and then realized he did not have a key to open it. His girlfriend was out of the house but returned to find him trapped in the belt and realized she does not have the key either.The article said releasing him took a long time because he was in a lot of pain and swelling, and the firefighters needed to give him oxygen. How painful it must have been.
The funny thing is, one of the fireman said; "His girlfriend intially seemed to find it funny but became more concerned as his condition got worse." Who doesn't laugh when you find a man is trapped in a chastity device? We can easily guess who is the boss in their relationship.
We wish you a wonderful, and "safe" session in this nice spring time.
La Siora A