New Mistress Makoto!

We have new baby mistress Makoto joining La Siora!
She started session observation with other dominas.
She can join your session for free as her training.
She said she had never been a mistress before, but she loves BDSM and enjoying being able to experience the session.
As you can see, she has beautiful well-balanced body and long legs.
She doesn't speak English, but she is very nice person and curious about everything.
So please don't hesitate to try seeing her.
*Makoro Session Observation Schedule*
Jan.18 (Fri)14:00-22:00
Jan.19 (Sat)15:00-17:00
Jan.25 (Fri)14:00-22:00
Jan.26 (Sat)14:00-22:00
If you would like to her to join your session for free, please feel free to ask to the receptionists.
We are preparing her photos now.
We can upload them on our website pretty soon!
La Siora