New gender change stuff : Whigs
We are getting more gender change stuff.
We have got whigs yesterday.
We ordered two whigs this time.
They are heat-resistant ones so they are available set with an aron.
Luna can make them up elegant because she was a hairdresser.
You might feel as if you are in a salon.
You would know a woman's mind deeper then ever.
First one.
It is a Norika Fujiwara(Japanese famous model)'s style whig.
It is a one of everlasting common ellegant hair style with colourof subtle brown.
Please tell us "request No,1" when you call us.

Second one.
Asian long hair.
It can be set in many ways.
Please tell us "request No.2" when you order us.

These are new stuff.
If they work well we will have another heat-resistant ones.
We already have other whigs.
We are going to introduce them with serial numbers when we take photos of them.
We have got whigs yesterday.
We ordered two whigs this time.
They are heat-resistant ones so they are available set with an aron.
Luna can make them up elegant because she was a hairdresser.
You might feel as if you are in a salon.
You would know a woman's mind deeper then ever.
First one.
It is a Norika Fujiwara(Japanese famous model)'s style whig.
It is a one of everlasting common ellegant hair style with colourof subtle brown.
Please tell us "request No,1" when you call us.

Second one.
Asian long hair.
It can be set in many ways.
Please tell us "request No.2" when you order us.

These are new stuff.
If they work well we will have another heat-resistant ones.
We already have other whigs.
We are going to introduce them with serial numbers when we take photos of them.