The Party By Domina Claire

Domina Claire writes about the party of 6th June on her blog.
[ Claire * Blog ]
As well,the party got a favorable reception!
So the party is held again on 7th Nov.!
We held a party "Alice & Queen Wonder Night Party" last Saturday.
It was super fun night, you know.
There are our dominas.
*the upper row left hand side;
Koki, Mao, Tamaki, Ayatsuki, Akiha.T, Mai
*The lower row left hand side;
Ruiko, Claire, Nana, Murasaki, Shinju, Akiho, Rino
Lady Gaga appeared Japanese TV program in this morning.
She talked about fashion and dressup mind.
It was very interesting for me.
She said "It's idea. I wear inexpensive stuffs, even hairstyle."
And her hairstyle is inspired Hello Kitty.
I'm familiar with her immidiately. Am I too simple minded?
Anyway we all love party, fashion and fun.
Come on girls! Be edgy!
By Claire