


Murasaki has come back!

Do you remember Murasaki who was in our club four years ago?
Beautiful, curious domina, who likes rope bondage, Murasaki has come back.

She was like a little devil before but she has become a true lady.
She has trained rope bondage at famous rope bondage master Haruki Yukimura so her skill of rope bondage has been progressed much.

She doesn't speak English well but can listen.
Many foreigners think that she is shy because she does not speak much despite she understands English.
But she is not shy and she has many imaginations and is even active.

We are so glad that she has welcomed back in La Siora.

She is available 14:00-20:00 on Friday from next week.
And she might be available when you contact us in advance.

She is on irregular shift in this week.

4th(tue) 14:00-18:00
8th(sat) need to discuss.

From Co




lasiora tokyo

Author:lasiora tokyo
Call : 03-6380-6568
(From overseas : +81 3 6380 6568)

Business hours : 7days a week

Reception : 12:45 - 22:30
Session : 13:00 - Last session starts around 22:00 or later

Location : Shinjuku / TOKYO

Website : lasiora.com


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Listed how to get to the meeting spot and hotel area by Shinjuku Sanchome Station. If you are lost, please use the information below.
Sta.search 1 http://www.jorudan.co.jp/english/ input/arrives(To) : shinjukusanchome
Sta.search 2 http://www.hyperdia.com/en/ input/arrives(To) : shinjuku-sanchome
Meeting Spot http://goo.gl/maps/ip4SF
Kabuki-cho (Motel)Map http://goo.gl/maps/w7CQe
Tokyo Hotel Map http://goo.gl/maps/uLnYK
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