


Domina Mao gallery part 1 "Dear Mao"

We have updated gallery part 1 of Domina Mao"Dear Mao."

We challenged it unusual type of gallery because we had a lot of the best pictures of Mao having on Japanease-kimono.
The gallery is for romantic and fantasist slaves.
But we have not make English sentence on the pictures.
We are sorry,we see to prevent the souring of Japanease atmosphere.

The title is "Dear Mao"
It's a male-to-female love letter,wrriten in Japanease old-fashioned word.

"Dear Mao,
Coming of spring,I hope you are all well.
Do you remember?You took me by the hand,as simple as a child...
I was not able to touch your hand as the years rolled by...
I'm tugged by memories of your hand.
Best Wishes"

Next we make to rider a poesy with pictuers.
The poesy was wrriten by [ Takuboku Ishikawa ].
It's a old Japanease and lovely phrase,wistful and sweet poem.

"I was not able to have a chance to tell you something important at the time.
It is staying in my heart,still feel the same."

The poesy is writen by "Takuboku Ishikawa" also,smoothie Japanease and in the profound sense.

"Snow-white lampshade is having defect.The defect is inexpungible.
I am not able to erase memories also,like the snow-white lampshade."

Be continued...Japanease strong fetishism is expressed in part 2.

Click Here![Mao gallery part1 : Dear Mao ]




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