


Important thing to remember by Rie

Hello,I am producer of La Siora,Rie Asagiri.
I don't like hot and humid weather summer in Japan.
I am prostrated by the heat and lose my power...
I can hardly wait autumn.

Before 64 years from now,in summer 1945...
6th August ,atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima.
9th August ,atomic bombs were droppedon Nagasaki.
Click here! [ Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ]

Never-to-be-forgotten date to Japanese people,but it is not seem like reality for younger generations...me too,I don't know real.
HIROSHIMA is limping toward an episode in history.
But a lot of Japanease silent prayers offer for atomic bomb victim.
The ceremony is hit screens every year on the day.

I 'm trying to write seriously today.
I don't have linguistic talent but I hope I could express my meaning.
So I don't know how can you understand or not what I'd like to say.
But I write the best I can,I ask for your kind understanding a little.

Someone told me that a lot of Americans are feeling right and out of need about HIROSHIMA.
But they take a second look surely when they visit atom bomb museum in Hiroshima.
Lose and win,right and wrong of warped view in war,those hang around war.
But we human have demarcation of good and evil as a human,also a heart to think to be sad.
I feel sure the Americans who visited the atom bomb museum feel something.
The thing which affects a heart at atom bomb museum.

People all over the world know Japan is only country to have suffered nuclear attacks.
We Japanease are forgetful person it is a good point of Japanease, and it is a bad point also....
Because passage of time have a rapid current and busy.
But I think it is important to call to remembrance and have a think about war and peace just once a year.We must relearn things that we has forgotten.
We Japanease should have been ever assailants also in some country eyes.

Forgiveness and oblivescence,those are more different than might first be surmised.

At any time in life,forgiveness is important.
It had better closure and advance than heartache,heartbroken,anger anally-retentive...
Nothing is provided by oblivescence.
But we are able to get open mind and knowledge of life in the future by forgiveness.

Somebody forgives somebody,Somebody is forgiven by somebody.
In that manner we are alive.
If we have somebody forgive,we must keep our eye open for avoid the same mistake.

Of course,we must never again proceed a path to war and A-bomb.
Please go to Hiroshima if you visit to Japan.
For the human race to learn about forgiveness for the future.

...But another matter about BDSM.
We might have to unforgiving and give you punishment.lol

...distressing spectacle...




lasiora tokyo

Author:lasiora tokyo
Call : 03-6380-6568
(From overseas : +81 3 6380 6568)

Business hours : 7days a week

Reception : 12:45 - 22:30
Session : 13:00 - Last session starts around 22:00 or later

Location : Shinjuku / TOKYO

Website : lasiora.com


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