Plan for trip for Europe and Sweets from Christmass Market

InJapan, Obon was over yesterday.
So many people who went to see their family are coming back to Tokyo, Tokyo gets busy again.
I t has been said that weather will get cooler you will be alable to feel Autum are coming soon
especially night time after OBON. However, I want to talk about winter today.
Clich here![about O-bon]
There is a Fetish week in December 8 to 12th in Paris.
This week is full of events all about fetish and BDSM, such a fantastic week!!
Some dominas from La Siora are going to visit paris during this week.
I can not stop to think about paris fetish week when I look information website.
Click Here!![Nuit Demonia/Fetish week in Paris]
[Demonia in Paris]
I might stop by at Christmas market in Germany.
Because... RIE / producer of La Siora has the favorite sweet that she can not wait to eat again.
She ate it at Chtistmass market in Germany before, she just LOVE IT!!
But we do not know the name of the sweet,,,,,
This is a picture of that sweet.
Hey! Slaves in Germany! Would you find out the name of that sweet for RIE??
She said that she could only find it only in city of Aachen.
She keeps saying ` I really want to go back Aachen just for that sweet!!!!`

And another sweet she really liked was....
It is called ` POFFERT JES`. She had it in Amsterdam.
It is a traditional sweet of Holland but it has been said that it came from France originally.

Dominas might think ` RIE is such a big eater! Why she is talking about Christmas in the summer?? `but anyway,,, she loves sweets.
There are so many delicious sweets in Europe.
But you should try some Japanese sweets as well.
Japanese sweets are good for diets! so all dominas should eat Japanes sweets to keep their beautiful body line. After the trip to Europe, we are all going to be gained weight, I hope not,,,
And we are also thinking to go to the carnival in Venetian in February next year.
Most famous Italian sweet is gelate???