Ride on your face with New Costume By Bigyoku
Look at my new costume!!
I got a new bontage one!!
I chose something cool design with enamel and see through material.
Don`t you think this is so cool??

By the way, my body is so flexible.
LOOK !LOOK at me!

Photo by Ayatsuki, Hand by Akiha
I can do this too!

After taking this photo, Ayatshuki asked me ` why don`t you ride on my face??`
I refused a little while,,,, but I DID IT.
I am riding on boss domina ayatshuki!

( Ayatshuki says `comon, comon`)

( Yes! I am top on her!)
There are nothing to afraid anymore!
I had such a great time. I really enjoyed it.
translated by K
I got a new bontage one!!
I chose something cool design with enamel and see through material.
Don`t you think this is so cool??

By the way, my body is so flexible.
LOOK !LOOK at me!

Photo by Ayatsuki, Hand by Akiha
I can do this too!

After taking this photo, Ayatshuki asked me ` why don`t you ride on my face??`
I refused a little while,,,, but I DID IT.
I am riding on boss domina ayatshuki!

( Ayatshuki says `comon, comon`)

( Yes! I am top on her!)
There are nothing to afraid anymore!
I had such a great time. I really enjoyed it.
translated by K