


Domina`s fashion check Part2 by Tamaki

Hello Hello ! My name is TAMAKIN, no I am Tamaki.

Let`s start another domia`s fashion check!
This time is Domina Ruiko! She is still 20 years old and real college student!

She is the youngest domina in La Siora team, but she already have so many experiences
in SM world even her private life.
All of you may know already, she has been writing about her vision of SM on her blog.
She does always her the best for everything, and go for everything.
I can tell she really loves SM!

However,When I chat with her, I can see her real face as just a 20 years old girl.
She is so bubbly and innocent sometime, she is so girly girl!
When I see her like that, secretly I feel like I am such a lucky person.

Here is Ruiko`s private clothes!

Theme is `innocent girl`, White dress and bag and shoes are in pink!

Material of her dress is so summerly!
Its a see through material but not like a skanky.
Sofy material is a must have item for innocent girly girl.
She put sense of pritty with pastel pink.
Another important item is shoes!!

She put wedge pumps, not a pin heel shoes.
A lots of rounded shape make her looks more girly.

She says ` Wedge sole is really comfortable to walk`
Shoes has some studs on part of sole. It is so charming.
I really recomend this type of shoes to the guy who love to dress like a girl, you can walk properly even you are not get use to wear on heels.

OMG! her nail is even PINK!

Color of accessories and chain of her bag matches too!
She is such a perfect coordinator!
Guys who loves to dress in a girl, don`t you love this moment??/
When we does nails, and also put some lip on, that is the most girly moment. Don`t you think so???

Domina`s fashion check by Tamaki by part 2
Please give her some claps for her!
Who will be on fashon check part 3??

translated by K




lasiora tokyo

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