Japanese style rope bondage training for new domina 'Luna'
Hi, everyone. I am Domina Mai. I am a trainer of new dominas.
usually I teach them how to do Japanese style rope bondage.

today, I teached to our new domina. her name is domina 'Luna'. the teacher was not only me, our popular domina 'Murasaki' also teached to her. she has great skill of rope bondage too.

domina Luna has a lot of serious energy for BDSM, and very cool and smart, looks like young girl nowadays in Japan.

learning how to do rope bondage is very hard for every new face dominas, everytime. but she was sedulous to learn...

after some hours, finally she finished her first rope bondage work. she needs more time to practice. but I think her skill will become better soon because she is really earnest.
from trainer Mai
usually I teach them how to do Japanese style rope bondage.

today, I teached to our new domina. her name is domina 'Luna'. the teacher was not only me, our popular domina 'Murasaki' also teached to her. she has great skill of rope bondage too.

domina Luna has a lot of serious energy for BDSM, and very cool and smart, looks like young girl nowadays in Japan.

learning how to do rope bondage is very hard for every new face dominas, everytime. but she was sedulous to learn...

after some hours, finally she finished her first rope bondage work. she needs more time to practice. but I think her skill will become better soon because she is really earnest.
from trainer Mai