My summer vacation by Maria
I'll take summer vacation.
It's going to be a eleguler sift.
Check my schedule!
9,Aug(Mon)Day's off
10,Aug(Tue)Day's off
11,Aug(Wed)Day's off
12,Aug(Thr)Day's off
13,Aug(Fri)Day's off
14,Aug(Sat)15:00~Last【Extra Shift】
I'll enjoy my long-awaited vacation.
I'm getting more and more excited.
Quoted from 【Maria∞Mania】
It's going to be a eleguler sift.
Check my schedule!
9,Aug(Mon)Day's off
10,Aug(Tue)Day's off
11,Aug(Wed)Day's off
12,Aug(Thr)Day's off
13,Aug(Fri)Day's off
14,Aug(Sat)15:00~Last【Extra Shift】
I'll enjoy my long-awaited vacation.
I'm getting more and more excited.
Quoted from 【Maria∞Mania】