


English speaking baby domina information

We have a new baby domina!
Her name is "Canon".
She is cute young lady who has very elegant and kind attitude (but you can clearly see her enthusiasm for BDSM in her eyes).

She has just decided her session observation schedule,
which is 15:00 to 21:30 on September 21(Tue), 22(Wed) and 24(Fri).

Also, another baby domina Mistress Kotono started her solo session yesterday.
She is gradually developing her skill and experience through sessions.
We can make her appointment from 8pm on every weekends, and tonight till 10pm.
(She cannot do very skillful session yet.)

We have been getting many questions about baby domina's profile and pictures.
We are going to tke their pictures this weekend and they will be aploaded on our website around 29th.

Both Kotono and Canon are very fluent English speakers, so they will be very helpful to create the sweet night and make your imagination into real session!
Please contact to reception staffs if you are interested in them.




lasiora tokyo

Author:lasiora tokyo
Call : 03-6380-6568
(From overseas : +81 3 6380 6568)

Business hours : 7days a week

Reception : 12:45 - 22:30
Session : 13:00 - Last session starts around 22:00 or later

Location : Shinjuku / TOKYO

Website : lasiora.com


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Listed how to get to the meeting spot and hotel area by Shinjuku Sanchome Station. If you are lost, please use the information below.
Sta.search 1 http://www.jorudan.co.jp/english/ input/arrives(To) : shinjukusanchome
Sta.search 2 http://www.hyperdia.com/en/ input/arrives(To) : shinjuku-sanchome
Meeting Spot http://goo.gl/maps/ip4SF
Kabuki-cho (Motel)Map http://goo.gl/maps/w7CQe
Tokyo Hotel Map http://goo.gl/maps/uLnYK
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