Our April fool was AWFUL!!

Rie has been to ploted to do something on April fools.
But even she thinks a lot,date gone change with no idea.
But finally she got a good idea!
The pesent of our web site's top page picture is our domina roll as a teacher with cane.
She finally have decided to change a picture "Domina School La Siora" to "La Siora Kindergarten"picture.
Its mean, Our domina school LaSiora has change to special of infancy play La Siora Kindergarten.
Of cause its just a April fools joke.
Now you could understand what does meaning of picture on the top this article..don't you?
Then Rie sent out questionnaire for domina immidiatery.
"If you girls don't agree this idea i will not going to do this happen,so what we gonna do?"
But no body argue with this idea.On the conturary they funed of it.
That's our domina!!haha
Rie asked webmaster to renewal the picture for April fools one.
But our webmaster thought Rie telling to him a lie so that he doesn't renewal.
"Im not telling to you a lie,it's just april fools joke!!"
Even Rie asked him to do it he said with afraid,
"I won't not going this happen! you will regret after all,this should be image down!"
To the very end he couldn't change a picture of top page.
If you all would like to telling lie to the people on the april fools,
We prefer to you all need to planning that to early enough.
Anyhow when the day passed at 1th April,
someone doubt you everything you said it's a lie,you know.