


Information for Nana

Look at the pic!She is not only cute but also glamorous lady.
It is rare case to meet with mistress Nana in weekend,available on Sunday from 2pm to around 6pm.
But be careful to make an appointmet that it's possible to accept her reservation by the day before.
She has already booked until 4:30pm so please recheck it with your schedule note!

The Clink Prison Museum2 by Claire

Domina Claire went around UK befor two weeks.
I updated [ The Clink Prison Museum by Claire ] befor 3 or 4 days.
A topic of today is The Clink Prison Museum 2.
Quotation from [ Claire * Blog ].

The Clink Prison Museum2 by Claire

I'll continue to introduce about the museum today.
Have you been nice? Okay, here we go.

First, it is ankle cuffs. And prisnors had to range there maybe long time.
This doll showed us very nice face. He looked very painful or upset.
If you wear this, you cannot move enough.
And I wonder how they had gone restroom during wearing it?
It looks so inconvinient.

Next, this is thum crusher.
It was very heavy and solid. When it hold your thums, they must be broken by it.

At last, this is boots and a chastity belt.
I think the boots had used for burning prisoner's feet.
For example, pouring hot oil or something like that. I read about it on the book.
According to the book, they often had been executed after burned their feet.

And you know a chastity belt.
I don't know why they have it on prison museum, but I'm sure it's popular equipment even now.
It is used to use for wife of lord especially during a war.

It's all for this museum.
I'll show you pictures of the British Museum next.
I learned how to mummify there.

Schdule of domina Ayatsuki and Murasaki

Schedule of Domina Ayatsuki is changed till end of May from next week.
Only Tueseday 15:00-Last every week

An extra attendance of Murasaki
April 18th (Sat.) in this week 14:00-22:00

We are accept our new welcomed baby domina Tamaki visit and see your session on the day.
Please cooperate for the growth of young baby domina!

lasiora tokyo

Author:lasiora tokyo
Call : 03-6380-6568
(From overseas : +81 3 6380 6568)

Business hours : 7days a week

Reception : 12:45 - 22:30
Session : 13:00 - Last session starts around 22:00 or later

Location : Shinjuku / TOKYO

Website : lasiora.com


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Sta.search 1 http://www.jorudan.co.jp/english/ input/arrives(To) : shinjukusanchome
Sta.search 2 http://www.hyperdia.com/en/ input/arrives(To) : shinjuku-sanchome
Meeting Spot http://goo.gl/maps/ip4SF
Kabuki-cho (Motel)Map http://goo.gl/maps/w7CQe
Tokyo Hotel Map http://goo.gl/maps/uLnYK
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