Schdule of Golden Week holidays

Bon jour!C'est Rie!
Image of today is "Alice and Queen Wonder Night Party @ Trump Room vol.1"on June 2007.
All our dominas visited the party and we enjoyed it very much!!
In this year,the party is held in 6th June.
I will update as soon as I have settled upon further details.
By the way,you have a BIG pleasure else before it.
Yes!Golden Week holidays!
Are you making plans for Golden Week?
I know,you are watching the site of travel agency and SM-club.

OK!Leave it to me

Here,This is a "Dmina schdule of Golden Week".
"*" is English speaking domina.

Good English speaking receptionist 13:30-17:00
Simple English speaking receptionist 17:00-22:30
Nana* /14:00-20:00
Claire* /14:00-Last
Mao /15:00-Last
Shinju /15:00-Last
Ruiko /15:30-22:00
Maya /17:00-Last
Akiho* /17:00-Last
Akiha.T /18:00-Last
Mai* /15:00-Last

Good English speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Tamaki /14:00-22:30
Murasaki /14:00-23:00
Akiha.T /14:00-Last
Emi /14:00-Last
Nana* /14:00-Last
Lino* /15:00-Last
Ayatsuki /15:00-Last
Maya* /15:00-Last

Good English & simple Chinese speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Ayatsuki /13:30-16:00
Tamaki /14:00-22:30
Claire* /14:00-Last
Good English speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Nana* /14:00-23:00
Claire* /14:00-Last
Lino* /15:00-Last
Shinju /15:00-Last
Mao* /17:00-Last
Akiho* /17:00-Last
Murasaki /17:00-23:00

Good English speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Nana* /14:00-20:00
Akiha.T /14:00-Last
Emi /14:00-Last
Akiho* /14:00-Last
Maya* /15:00-Last
Mao /17:00-Last
Tamaki /18:00-22:30

Good English & simple Chinese speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Nana* /14:00-20:00
Ruiko /14:00-21:00
Tamaki /14:00-22:30
Akiha.T /14:00-Last
Lino* /15:00-Last
Shinju /15:00-Last
Claire* /17:00-Last

Good English & simple Chinese speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Nana* /14:00-20:00
Akiho* /14:00-Last
Claire* /14:00-Last
Lino* /15:00-22:30(holidays:4-18 May)
Shinju /15:00-Last
Mao /15:00-Last
Mai* /14:00-Last

Good English speaking receptionist 13:30-17:00
Simple English speaking receptionist 17:00-22:30
Claire* /14:00-Last
Mao /15:00-Last
Ruiko /15:30-22:00
Shinju /17:00-Last
Mai* /15:00-Last

Simple English speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Ruiko /14:00-21:00
Emi /14:00-Last
Akiha.T /14:00-Last
Maya /15:00-Last
Ayatsuki /15:00-Last

Good English & simple Chinese speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Tamaki /14:00-22:30
Akiha.T /14:00-Last
Maya* /15:00-Last

Good English speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Nana* /14:00-23:00
Shinju /15:00-Last
Mao* /17:00-Last
Akiho* /17:00-Last

Good English speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Nana* /14:00-20:00
Emi /14:00-Last
Akiho* /14:00-Last
Akiha.T /14:00-Last
Maya* /15:00-Last
Mao /17:00-Last
Tamaki /18:00-22:30

Good English & simple Chinese speaking receptionist 13:30-17:00
Simple English speaking receptionist 17:00-22:30
Tamaki /14:00-22:30
Akiha.T /14:00-Last
Shinju /15:00-Last
Claire* /17:00-Last

Simple English speaking receptionist 13:30-22:30
Akiho* /14:00-Last
Claire* /14:00-Last
Mao /15:00-Last
Shinju /15:00-Last
Mai* /14:00-Last
Hotels info byMurasaki & Mao

This is "Emperor Tower Sekitei"there is an emergency exit which fit out with mirror then I wanted to do a make-believe as train story.So i just improvised ''strap''.
No problems the strength of strap root.I can do some session with my own ideas,cuause of I really like this atomosphere.
You are caught here,you never known the destiny someone who are going to catch you from behind you...
Make Murasaki

I find it that really suitable for...

Perrier rom number 405 /rest time for 3h:8,500 yen
There is poles on either side of the room.
I am not sure how keep the endurance exactly but if it maybe impossible to hung your entire-body.I think no problems to put on your weight a middle.Ordinarily?
I tried to hang down it seems not so unstable.
You could try it to stand by toe or to hang by only single legs.
A snake whip is Okay in the room.
There is a sofa and bed also massage-machine,looks normal but wide space and enjoyable a whip!
You can see the pic.
It is just like Perrier atmosphere with mirror (a bit hard to see it b/s dark).

A little bit higher than normal pice but if you love for hanging or tie up,you should try to use there!
By Mao